Bowl Cut share debut single, “Roof”.

Category: music 293

While it’s too early to tell which path Bowl Cut will follow, the sound put forward on this debut single should be enough to keep fans of homegrown indie bedroom pop curious to hear what comes next.

Matt Carter

Bowl Cut is a new project by multi-instrumentalist Zach Pelletier (Dad Patrol) and vocalist Raine O’Connor. Making their debut with the single Roof, this new creative partnership takes the broad concept of dream pop to a place all their own. Through a sleepy cloud of blurred out melodies that completely engulf the song’s funk centred bass line, O’Connor’s voice drifts in and out, finding space between a simple layered guitar lead that holds this track together. 

Despite the polished production, Roof retains enough bedroom-recorded estetic to feel sincere, never once claiming to be something it’s not. Pelletier’s background recording and performing his own music definitely lends to the song’s overall identity. 

While it’s too early to tell which path Bowl Cut will follow with future releases, the sound put forward on this debut single should be enough to keep fans of homegrown indie bedroom pop curious to hear what comes next.

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