Watch ‘The Capital Project’ on the big screen this Friday

Category: movies 198

Locally produced music documentary The Capital Project makes its debut at the Fredericton Playhouse – April 20.

Local filmmakers Tim Rayne and Arthur Thomson will be holding the premiere screening of The Capital Project Documentary at the Fredericton Playhouse on Friday, April 20th at 7:30 p.m.

The filmmakers have spent the last year in production of the documentary series which takes an in-depth look at New Brunswick’s small-but-mighty music scene including a wide range of genres from rock, pop, folk, country, jazz, hip hop, classical, and alternative music genres.

“This project is truly a community project, one that takes an unprecedented look at the independent music scene here in Fredericton, and across New Brunswick,” said Director Tim Rayne. “It is a scene that is under-exposed, but bursting with talent across a range of genres. In all, we have recorded over 100 band performances and conducted over 200 interviews with bands, solo musicians, music educators, theatre performers, festival organizers, venue owners and music promoters. The documentary not only features the local music scene, but also explores other topics such as music education, DIY music production, and local music’s impact on culture and the economy in New Brunswick.”

Producer Arthur Thomson said, “This film will have something for everyone. I think audiences will be amazed at what is happening musically in their own backyard. You can expect to see some familiar faces, and you are going to get to know many others doing incredible things and contributing to the community in ways you may not expect.”

This screening will be an exclusive “home edition” version of the film that will be screened one night only. Rayne said, “After filming for over a year, capturing so many performances and interviews made up primarily of local bands and music fans alike, this is a special night for the community! We are very excited to share this screening of The Capital Project.”

Tickets for the April 20 show are available at the Playhouse website or box office. | Buy Tickets


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