Video: Lester Slade (Car Trouble)

Category: music 492

‘Car Trouble’ is the latest single from Moncton musician Lester Slade.

Lester Slade has got more than just Car Trouble these days. For the past few weeks the Moncton musician has been stuck in British Columbia patiently waiting for a flight home. Chances are he’s probably wishing a little car trouble, the obvious inspiration for his latest single, was all he had to worry about.

“Car trouble is a new song I wrote whole when on my way out the door, I started my car and my windshield wipers flew off and the transmission broke free,” said Slade. “Then I started thinking of a few other true stories about my life that I think people could relate to including health trouble, the repercussions of a life of excess while living on the road and living off of bar gig to bar gig for the past few years. It’s kind of a recollection story song and one I wanted to release while working on my new album.”


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