Tommy Stinson and Pasteur Papillon at The Cap

Category: music 180

Quebec songwriter Pasteur Papillon joined indie rock legend Tommy Stinson for an intimate performance at The Cap, October 3.

Tommy Stinson at The Cap. Photo by Ryan Barton.
Matt Carter

Before strumming the first chords of his 75 minute solo set at The Cap on October 3, Tommy Stinson made his intentions clear. 

“I don’t play any Replacements songs and I don’t play any Guns N’ Roses songs.”  

No one seemed to mind. Drawing from his vast solo catalogue including several songs from his most recent Cowboys in the Campfire album Wronger as well as material from his first post-Replacements group Bash & Pop, Stinson belted out song after song, his voice perfect, his songs moreso. 

Quebec-based songwriter Pasteur Papillon opened the night with a short set of songs and stories. Backed up by a pair of accompanists on electric guitar, keyboards, and accordion, Papillon delivered an entertaining 30 minute set of songs from his 2023 album, On va sauver ce qui reste, produced by Stinson. 

After a 30 minute break, Stinson took the stage for a show that felt very much like a house concert in its intimacy. Frequently reminding the audience his songs are usually performed by a band or at the very least, with an electric guitar player to compliment his jumbo acoustic, Stinson’s performance was near perfect. Near the end of his set, he unplugged his guitar, stepped off stage and moved to the centre of the bar to sing a few songs campfire-style while phones blinked and flashes popped. It was an amazing moment for all in attendance. Over the course of his performance it was easy to hear why so many musicians credit his influence. With a seemingly endless stash of hooks, pep, pop, and the rock and roll charisma, a more satisfying evening of music could not have been possible. 

Big thanks to the MRTI Agency and The Cap for a memorable night. 

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