TNB’s Fall Festival of New Plays Happening September 8-22.

Category: stage 90

This year’s Fall Festival features new work by six playwrights as well as a one-time digital art showcase.

Theatre New Brunswick’s Fall Festival of New Plays returns this month for a third season. Dedicated to the development of new work by playwrights from New Brunswick and the Atlantic region, this year’s Fall Festival includes six new scripts by playwrights Santiago Guzmán, Jean-Michel Cliche, John Spurway, Anthony Bryan, Jena McLean and Thomas Hodd.

Each of the playwrights included in this year’s festival will work with a dramaturge to develop their work. Audiences will be able to enjoy readings of four of this year’s plays, live-streamed through YouTube.

“I’m happy to see such a diverse mix of writers and work included in this year’s festival,” said Natasha MacLellan, TNB’s artistic and executive director. “As a stanch supporter of new play development, being able to provide each of these playwrights with a critical and constructive look at their work is essential to the continued development of their plays and their careers as theatre artists.”

In addition to the development of new plays, this year’s Fall Festival will also feature a series of digital art installations created as part of Digital Now!, a province-wide digital literacy initiative TNB led earlier in the year.

“Presenting digital art is something altogether unique and different for us,” said MacLellan. “Earlier this year we had the opportunity to host a series of workshops across the province open to all artists interested in learning about digital trends, and how these tools and resources could complement their work. Through support received from the Canada Council of the Arts, we were able to commission nine of those workshop participants to make digital art and apply some of what they learned to their own practice. This series of installations will showcase some of what these artists were able to create.”

A full schedule of live readings and installations can be found by visiting

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