The Lunar Rogue, The Loyalist Sheriff, and Canada’s First Bestseller

Category: community 192

IMG_0498Innocent bystander or confidence man? Dangerous horse thief or theatrical charmer?

Sheriff Walter Bates’ 1817 account of Henry More Smith’s incarceration and subsequent escape from the Kingston, New Brunswick, jail reads like a picaresque novel and made Bates’ The Mysterious Stranger Canada’s first best-seller.

Bates details several encounters, escapes and pursuits of the man known as The Lunar Rogue in his wild and unbelievable account of one of New Brunswick’s most notorious criminals.

Please join us for the last talk in the UNB Department of English 2014-15 Colloquium series, The Lunar Rogue, The Loyalist Sheriff, and Canada’s First Bestseller: Walter Bates’ 1817 The Mysterious Stranger, given by Professor and Dean Emerita Dr Gwendolyn Davies.

The talk will be given in Room 5, Tilley Hall, at UNB on Friday, March 27th at 3:30pm. Admission is free and all are welcome. For more information, contact Mary Rimmer at the Department of English at 453-7393 or

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