Relive Your Favourite NotaBle Acts Moments in this Photo Collection

Category: stage 169

Here are a few big moments from the 14 plays presented during the 2023 NotaBle Acts Theatre Festival. 

Night Train by Merrit Johnson

The NotaBle Acts Theatre Festival has been showcasing new plays by New Brunswick playwrights and supporting emerging theatre artists in the province for more than twenty years now. This year’s festival took place July 26-August 6 and featured performances and readings of 14 plays in venues throughout the city including Memorial Hall on the UNB campus and Theatre New Brunswick’s Open Space Theatre. Here are a few images from this year’s festival. 

Lakeview Hotel by Gill Salmon

A ghost’s life isn’t all just spooks and scares, and haunting a historical hotel requires planning and hard work. Join three friendly ghouls on the night shift as they undertake their evening assignments, all the while contemplating holding on and saying goodbye.

Directed by Jane Israelson | Featuring Brennan Garnett, Adrian Saliendra, Amanda Thorne, and Brenna Gauthier.

Night Train by Merrit Johnson

No destination is ever a guarantee, a truth four strangers from different walks of life learn when they find themselves trapped inside a late-night train car while just trying to get home. As time passes them by, the unlikely group finds connection and arrives at a chilling theory about how they ended up on this particular track.

Directed by Megan Murphy | Featuring Al Newling, Alex Fullerton, Michael Holmes-Lauder, and Kat Hall.

Fruit Machine by Alex Rioux and Solo Chicken Productions. Photo by Lance Blakney.

Fruit Machine is both a haunting look at the harm paranoia-driven policy can do to vulnerable communities, and a memorial to the brave and powerful queer individuals who resisted an insidious, dehumanizing security campaign.

Directed by Alex Rioux | Featuring Sam Black, Jean-Michel Cliche, Samuel Crowell, Sydney Hallett, Lara Lewis, and Naomi McGowan.

Movie Club by Drew Hudson

Watching films is supposed to be fun night out for the gang every week, but when an ousted former member shows up unannounced, Amanda’s movie club turns hostile

Directed by Finn Boehm | Featuring Dani Brun, Noah Deas, Diana Chavez, and Kaylee MacNeil

Pareidoleia by Noah Deas

Contemplating what they see in the clouds on a summer day, despite their sometimes conflicting perspectives on how to perceive the world around them, Flynn and Ollie find a way to define a reality together.

Directed by Laura Spark | Featuring Livia Steeves and Emmanuelle Jackson

Guns, Buns, and Nuns by Jason McIntyre

Gwen, a struggling bakery owner, faces her existential crisis head on when a series of unusual and extraordinary guests enter her combination patisserie and gun shop.

Directed by Alex McAllister | Featuring Muriel Falkenstein, Finnley Boehm, Rachel Rowan, and Isaac Gilbert.

The Crow’s Deadline by Julianne Richard

A CBC reporter gets much more than the scoop they bargained for while investigating a giant bird that fell from the sky, and interviewing the scientist/prophet couple who might be able to unravel the mystery.

Directed by Jake Martin | Featuring Alex Dawson, Laura Spark, and Rachel Rowan.

Details on all the plays featured this year can be found at

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