On Display at Gallery 78

Category: arts 169

Eclectic is a far ranging collection of the lush and the subtle – your perfect escape from the mid-winter, housebound blues.  

Swimming 2 by Charlotte Jones is one of several works included in this current exhibition.

Gallery 78 brings together the work of several diverse artists with the February exhibition Eclectic, an exhibition of work that features rich, colorful landscapes, still lifes, portraiture and all points in between. Featuring many of the Gallery’s most prominent artists like Stephen May, Raymond Martin, Réjean Roy, David McKay, Danielle Hogan, Charlotte Jones and many more, Eclectic is a far ranging collection of the lush and the subtle; your perfect escape from the mid-winter, housebound blues.  

Eclectic will be on display until the end of the month. The Gallery is open to the public with full health and safety measures in place to ensure the safest, and most enjoyable in-person viewing experience. All works in this exhibition can also be viewed online at www.gallery78.com, where complete artist information can also be found.

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