Monday Night Film Series: Viceroy’s House

Category: movies 79
Gurinder Chadha
106 mins
UK, India, Sweden, 2017
Panjabi, Hindi, English with English subtitles
Principal Cast: Gillian Anderson, Michael Gambon, Hugh Bonneville

Lord Mountbatten (Hugh Bonneville) arrives at Viceroy’s House in Delhi in 1947 with his strong-willed wife Edwina (Gillian Anderson) and daughter Pamela. As the final Viceroy of India, he is in charge of overseeing the dissolution of the British Raj and the establishment of an independent Indian nation. Mountbatten attempts to mediate a disagreement between the two major Indian political leaders, Jawaharlal Nehru, who wants India to remain intact as one nation after independence, and Muhammad Ali Jinnah, who wishes to establish the separate Muslim state of Pakistan.


Viceroy’s House | Monday Night Film Series | Tilley Hall, Room 102, UNB Campus | January 8, 2018 – 7:30pm | See full schedule

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