Meet FUZE Fest Artist Lillia

Category: music 92

Lillia is one of several sound projects by Sackville-based musician Evan Matthews. Matthews will perform as part of this year’s FUZE Fest, an experimental branch of programming included as part of the New Brunswick Summer Music Festival. 

Indigo Poirier

Lillia is Evan Matthews’ ambient facet. Spontaneously composed, surfing harmony and pulse, blooming within focus, it will transport if you let it. 

What is your favourite colour? 

Orangey pastely peach

Favourite thing about New Brunswick?

It’s decentralized. Many different pieces are spread out and overlap, all good in their own ways and free to combine at will.

What are you most excited for about Fuze? 

I’m really excited to hear the gradient of approaches to this year’s theme.

What instrument is home to you? 

I’ve been playing piano the longest but I’ve spent more time and had wider experience playing percussion, so really drumkit is home. I’m trying to view all the instruments I play as being extensions of the same thing though.

Two things you want people to know about you? 

I’m thirty and I believe time is a liquid.

Is there someone else’s performance you’re looking forward to? 

I played with Pallmer in June and I’m looking forward to seeing them perform again. I’m excited to see everything though.

If you could be any animal what would you be? 

An orca or an octopus.

What is your favourite memory from your music career this far?

The travels, but also the moments of total freedom, whether alone or with others.

FUZE Fest, an exciting mini-festival blending classical and contemporary electronic music, returns this year on August 9, 7:30 p.m. at UNB Memorial Hall and August 10, 7 p.m. at Wilser’s Room. The August 9 concert and features the FUZE Ensemble collaborating with headliner Olympic Symphonium, while the August 10th concert will feature the return of our CONSTRUCTIONS project wherein emerging local artists create new works in response to classical pieces based on the year’s theme. The August 10 performance will be preceded by an open drone session from 4-6 p.m in the Capital. Festivalgoers are invited to bring their own instruments along and participate. Over the next couple weeks, we’ll be posting interviews with each of the participants in CONSTRUCTIONS.

  • August 9th – The Olympic Symphonium and FUZE Ensemble at UNB Memorial Hall, 7:30 p.m.
  • August 10th – Drone session, The Capital, 4 p.m.
  • August 10th – FUZE Constructions and Minimalism at Wilser’s Room, 7:00 p.m.

Thanks to the Fredericton Community Foundation and to the SOCAN Foundation for supporting this event.

Lear about all this year’s programming at the New Brunswick Summer Music Festival

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