Into the Unknown

Category: music 164

Panda Bee Catastrophe release debut EP and prepare to embark on a national tour. 

Submitted photo.

It’s been a long time since we first heard about Panda Bee Catastrophe and their recording project Consent is Sexy.  For the past six months or more, the band have been very active on social media sharing the news of an upcoming cross-Canada tour, their forthcoming debut album and simply making their presence known.  In short, they’re been workin’ it.

And now, slowly but surely, all the pieces are falling into place.  Tracking for the album is complete, shows are booked and in July they’ll hit the road on their first major national tour. 

“We just released The Argus Files, an EP with four songs instead of releasing Consent is Sexy due to a small line up switch,” said the group’s singer Sarah McAdam.  “We are however launching our full length album on July 29th. It will feature one of the tracks from The Argus Files with updated parts and a new sound, a remix, a brand new song as well as the rest of the original unreleased tracks as planned.”

The group’s recording project was funded in part through support received via a crowd funding campaign and a lot of street level hustling, knocking on doors and making friends within the Fredericton business community.

“The crowdfunding campaign was wildly successful,” said McAdam.  “We fell far from our goal but found many people who believe in us enough to support us from start to finish, or boost us along the way. We didn’t hit the financial goal by any stretch but with the help of our sponsors, friends and family, we didn’t have to.”

The band will hit the road in July for a national tour, that kicks off on July 29 with a performance at the inaugural East Coast Awakening festival in Keswick Ridge, New Brunswick. And like practically everything else the band has accomplished so far, they handled all the booking themselves.

“The tour has been mostly booked on the good will of our band members,” said McAdam.  “We have connections from previous projects and have been incredibly lucky to be able to leverage their help for a lot of shows.  The rest was old school cold calling.  We had enough music online to give people a sense of our vibe.  It’s been lots of polite and appreciative conversations with old and now new friends, who we will be rewarding with so much love and merch.”

Full tour dates and more information can be found on the band’s Facebook page.

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