The new single from Josh Bravener and the Hypochondriacs hints at great things to come.
Josh Bravener can write a song. This is something he’s proven time and time again. Over his past three years of releasing music, fans of the young roots musician have witnessed Bravener’s craft develop, shaping lyrical hooks that hang in the air long after his songs finish. But while his skills as a writer and a performer (who continuously assembles killer backing bands) have always been evident, Bravener has always seemed in search of a voice to call his own.
On his latest single, In The Mountains, released as part of the Fredericton’s Mine compilation, Bravener channels his inner Elvis for a blistering vocal performance that may hint at the group’s direction for their upcoming full-length release. Matched by what may be the strongest group of musicians he’s assembled to date (Kelly Waterhouse on sax and vocals, Nicci Blewett on vocals, Sam Gallant on drums and Keegan MC on bass), In The Mountains is a big step up, proving that Bravener and The Hypochondriacs are a perfect pairing.
“Well it’s a classic break up song,” said Bravener. “I was really in love with this girl and she left me and went to work out west, in the mountains. That whole experience kind of shaped our new sound. All the music I ever grew up listening to was about heartache, and for the longest time I never understood it. When it all went down I kind of just got really angry and all of a sudden, all of this classic country rockabilly stuff I had been listening to had made way more sense. It had a whole new meaning. So I thought I would try and step away from the folk thing and revamp everything so it was angrier. Kind of like my music was growing with me.”
Bravener has come a long way in a short period of time. If he’s able to keep evolving at his current rate, the world will be a better place.
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Josh Bravener and the Hypochondriacs will be on tour throughout June. Go see them!
June 4th – The Capital – Fredericton
June 6th – Burritoville – Montreal
June 7th – The Garnett – Peterborough
June 9th – The Horseshoe Tavern – Toronto
June 13th – Peppers Pub – St. John
June 16th – Gus’ Pub – Halifax
June 17th – The Red Herring – St. Andrews
June 19th – Plan B – Moncton