Hoser Culture and Rock n’ Roll

Category: community 286

New Brunswick’s PENSION Clothing celebrate 1st anniversary this weekend.

Photo: www.facebook.com/pg/PENSIONClothing

Even if you don’t know the name, there’s a good chance you’ve seen someone wearing a t-shirt from PENSION Clothing’s catalogue. Their designs are unpredictable, ranging from random movie quotes to union slogans and mock beer labels. But their most popular shirt designs are these subtle tips of the hat toward iconic New Brunswick imagery like that of a popular ginger ale company and a corporate conglomerate we’re all familiar with.

It’s been almost a year since the company screened their first designs and they’re now gearing up to celebrate the milestone by launching a new line of shirt designs with the event, Hell Bent For Pension, happening Friday May 19 at The Phoenix, in Fredericton.

“The year has been good so far,” said Scott Veysey, who founded the company with Jeremy Goddard. “The idea for PENSION has been around for a few years but it took some time to get it off the ground. It’s been more about experimenting and creating clothes we wanted see than about getting a company started.”

Like the once ubiquitous East Side Board Supply shirts worn by every proud New Brunswick misfit, PENSION’s designs are slowly popping everywhere due in large part to Veysey and Goddard’s drive as entrepreneurs and their belief in what they’ve created.  That, and the fact that their designs are pretty badass.

 “It’s been well received for the most part,” said Veysey. “We didn’t want do the same logo on every shirt like some brands. The idea was creating a variety of designs so we’d have something for everybody. Each individual shirt seems to have its own fan base now.

“Each design is just something we would’ve wanted on a shirt ourselves.  Basically. if somebody else had been releasing these shirts years ago we would have been buying them. Just being from here, some of the designs come out with that Maritime flavor, but it’s really more about hoser culture and rock n’ roll.”

PENSION Clothing will be expanding their catalogue with five new designs launching this weekend.

Isn’t it time you got a PENSION?

Hell Bent For Pension (PENSION Clothing’s 1st anniversary party) | Friday May 19, 2017 | The Phoenix (The Capital Complex) | Fredericton | View Event 

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