Fundy Fringe Festival Has Begun!

Category: stage 331

Doug Fillmore shares his highlights from last night’s Binge the Fringe performance at the BMO Theatre.

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The pre-show for the 2017 Fundy Fringe Festival last night at the Saint John Theatre Company’s BMO studio was very entertaining in and by itself. From belly dancing to children’s shows to magic acts to musical theatre, the festival runs a gambit of tastes. I can’t say enough about the energy and talent that was represented. I was however, given a task to promote three shows that I found to be of extra merit. 


For pure theatrical electricity SMASHES is a strong comedy that showcases Franny McCabe-Bennett’s writing and acting skills. Her references to the romantic musings of feminist Charlotte Perkins Gilman juxtaposed through modern eyes drew a lot of laughs from the audience. I’m looking forward to seeing the complete show. (Today at the Imperial Theatre 4:30-5:30).



MIDDLEHOOD is another strong comedy whose creator Kimmy Zeglinski skewers over-parenting and other absurdities of modern middle aged life. Her breast feeding super mom incarnation was hilarious. I can’t wait to see the entire show at the Imperial Theatre tonight. (9pm-10pm).



Faking It

FAKING IT I must disclose, employs a number of my fellow theatre alumni. However, I can honestly say the piece of the play (by James McCure) with Rob Jeffries absurdly declaring to Chelsea Johnson that even if the condom was faulty he couldn’t be the father because he was faking it, intrigued me. I hope it intrigues you as well. (Tonight at the Sanctuary Theatre 7:30-8:30).


For full festival details, visit


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