Drone Day 101

Category: community 192

A Canada-wide celebration of experimental, ambient, and drone music, celebrated in every province and territory on May 9, 2015.

“Drone music mania is sweeping our nation’s underground” Blog TO

“Our vast and native land will be celebrating the equally vast soundscapes of drone music.” Cult MTL

“Weird Canada is calling for an entire day devoted to listening to drone music” CBC music



If you run/own/languish-within a public space (store, cafe, speakeasy, Magic the Gathering Tournament Hall, etc.) and you play music, ensure this music is drone. See the Drone Streams for some streamable drone musics.

If you are interested in hosting a fully-fledged Drone Day event, you’ll want to find a public, all-ages space and some live drone performers and organize a show. Woo!

National Drone Day is an inclusive, celebratory, and community-oriented event. We look to make it as inclusive as possible, prioritizing all-age venues, accessible spaces, and unconventional locations.


Drone Music is a democratic genre, an inherently collaborative genre. Drone music encapsulates and includes all kinds of sounds: bagpipes, chanting, tandura, the diverse landscape of electronic musicians who orchestrate knobs and pedals into otherworldly soundscapes.

Drone music, with its extended or repeating tones, is a re-imagining, a redefining of the ears’ relationship to silence, to ground, to negative space. Drone is easy to understand but broad enough to encapsulate a wide variety of experimental streams. It’s a fixed-point singleton for the avant-garde; challenging, yet accessible to the layperson, with a creative path stretching onto infinite horizons.

And community celebrations, holidays are important. They are a way for us to celebrate a moment, to stake out a moment in the passage of our lives and give it meaning. Most holidays slowly harden into consumeristic celebrations that bear little resemblance to their community roots, and end up making us feel more alienated from each other.

Drone Day is a reclamation of the idea of a holiday, of a community celebration with no purpose beyond a shared interest in drone music, a community, and a marked moment in time.

-Marie LeBlanc Flanagan, Founder of Wyrd Arts Initiatives


National Drone Day is a project of Wyrd Arts Initiatives, a volunteer-powered not-for-profit that exists to encourage, document, and connect creative expression across Canada. Wyrd Arts Initiatives is responsible for the award-winning website Weird Canada, and the nationally celebrated Wyrd Distro. Drone Day celebrations are independently organized by volunteers and community members of Weird Canada.


All across Canada, in various cities, with representation in every province and territory. Cities confirmed: Lethbridge, Vancouver, Victoria, Winnipeg, Sackville, St John’s, Yellowknife, Halifax, Guelph, Iqaluit, Hamilton, Ottawa, Sudbury, Toronto (multiple), Charlottetown, Kitchener-Waterloo, Montreal, Quebec, Saskatoon, Regina, Dawson City and FREDERICTON.

Drone Day Fredericton | Connexion ARC | Charlotte Street Arts Centre | May 9, 2015 | 12:00pm – 12:00am | View Event 

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