Connexion ARC is Back in Business

Category: arts 326

Fredericton’s only artist-run-centre returns to regular programming with February 28th event.

Matt Carter

Connextion ARC

For a while there, it was starting to feel like we may have seen the last of Connexion ARC, Fredericton’s artist-run-centre. After they gave up their lease at the Charlotte Street Arts Centre early on in 2016, an inevitable string of rumours began to circulate about why they closed their doors and what the future held for the organization.

Now, just a few months into 2017, Connexion ARC has announced the return of regular programming beginning with <this is where it happens>, a series of public discussions with regional contemporary artists.  The first event will take place February 28, 2017 at the Picaroons Roundhouse between 7 – 8 p.m.

“We thought since <this is where it happens> brings together artists from all backgrounds in a relaxed setting and directly engages the audience, it would be a great way to get things started, to catch up, and to reconnect,” said Nat Perry, who helped launch and host the original series as part of the Connexion’s 2015 programming.

This event will highlight work by artists Dawn Steeves, Megan MacKinley, Graeme Kennedy and Rebecca Salazar.

“I love hosting and organizing these and will happily do so again and again,” said Perry. “I already have artists who couldn’t present in the event on the 28th hoping to take part in the next one. I can’t say exactly how many weeks we’ll wait in between events, but you won’t have to wait too long, so keep an eye out.”

Events like <this is where it happens> offer a window into the creative process allowing artists the opportunity to share recent and ongoing work and to talk about their process. They also offer the general public a chance to engage with artists in a valuable exchange of ideas.

“This event is more of a conversation,” said Perry. “Sometimes it can even feel confessional, as artists get a chance to say unapologetically ‘I haven’t quite figured this out yet, and I would appreciate any feedback you can give’.

“I think it’s also important for non-artists to see and appreciate the struggles of the creative process,” said Perry. “That’s something often hidden in gallery openings and final drafts. Personally, I’m extremely curious about the process of other artists. The space between idea and finished project is interesting – lets talk about it – that’s where it happens.”

<this is where it happens> | February 28, 2017 | Picaroons Roundhouse | 7 p.m. | View Event

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