Auditions and Submissions

Category: arts 174

Call for Submissions: Fredericton Arts Alliance’s Artist in Residence Summer Series 2015

This year’s theme is Up Your Art: Step Outside Your Comfort Zone. The Fredericton Arts Alliance invites submissions for its Artist in Residence Summer Series 2015. We seek emerging and experienced artists working in any media, including architecture, performance, music, dance, media, literary arts, visual art and fine craft. Artists from diverse cultural backgrounds are encouraged to apply.

This year we are asking artists to use their week to step outside their comfort zone – by using new materials, focusing on new subjects, exploring new technologies, or delving into new media. Artists will be encouraged, where appropriate, to work beyond the confines of the Garrison District to further engage the public.

The residencies will take place at the Soldiers’ Barracks in the Historic Garrison District from June 1 to September 7. Dates will be contingent on funding. Each residency is one week in duration from Monday to Sunday.

All artists are invited to submit an application in response to the theme.

Applications can be found on the FAA website at To submit applications or make inquiries please email:


Audition Call for Summer Employment with Calithumpians’ Fredericton Outdoor Summer Theatre

The Calithumpians are ramping up for our 2015 Fredericton Outdoor Summer Theatre season and we are looking for young performers of all experience levels and backgrounds to audition for our one-of-a-kind theatre troupe! The FrOST troupe is made up of three parts:

  • The Fredericton Fencibles, who provide historical tours of the Historic Garrison District and downtown Fredericton, as well as historical interpretation and site animation at The Guard House and Soldiers Barracks;
  • The Calithumpians, who perform a show featuring music and comedy daily in Officer’s Square and conduct the Haunted Hike after dark;
  • The “Act Now!” Drama Camps, which are overseen by instructors who guide participants toward the goal of making their own “Junior Caithumpians” show every week. 
If you have some experience and talent in improvisation, acting, dancing, singing or playing a musical instrument, email us at and you will receive an email of all the details of the job and the audition and interview process. We encourage the participation of the Government of Canada’s job equity groups (i.e. women, persons with disabilities, visible minorities and Aboriginals) Our hiring process is open to males and females, visible minorities and students with a disability. We pride ourselves on fairness and evaluate our candidates using a process that includes an audition and interview. 
If you are looking for a meaningful summer job and you have an interest in history, local culture and the environment, this is a great opportunity. Act Now!


Call for Artist Submissions for the Fredericton Public Library Art Gallery

The Gallery at the Fredericton Public Library is a committed space where community artist can make their work available to the public. Artists are invited to submit their proposals for our Summer/Fall exhibition schedule from now until Saturday, May 30.

Gallery applications can be found on our Facebook page at Fredericton Public Library, via email at or picked up at the main desk at Fredericton Public Library. If you have questions regarding the gallery space, the application process or exhibiting work at the library, please contact the Young Adult/Adult Services Department at 460-2829 or


Applications for the Fredericton Region Museum’s Artist in Residence Summer Program

The Fredericton Region Museum (FRM) is seeking applications for its summer Artist in Residence program. Art inspired by history can enhance connections between the museum and the public through its various forms. The program is open to local artists, working in a visual medium, whose work relates to Fredericton’s history. There are two residencies in July and August, with the Artist in Residence on site for 3 weeks each. The exact dates within the residencies are flexible.

Application Process:

  • Current curriculum vitae, including exhibition record
  • Visual-work examples in .jpeg format on a DVD or CD (image 300 dpi).
  • A short statement of interest and a description of work to be carried out during the residency. The applicant should also 
describe why she/he wishes to do the residency, and what particular perspective he/she will bring to the program
  • Indication of public access programming to be offered by the artist, for the public at large and for young people
  • Indication of which three weeks the artist prefers for the residency
  • Two artists may make a joint application, each submitting visuals and other information, if they are prepared to share the 
stipend and working space.

Applications must be received by June 6, 2015 for summer residencies.

Visit the FRM blog for more information, or contact the museum office by email,


Physical Theatre and Devised Creation Workshop

Theatre New Brunswick has partnered with The Fredericton Playhouse to present an exciting, two-week training opportunity for emerging and experienced theatre artists, exploring aspects of physical theatre and devised creation.

Under the direction of TNB’s Artistic Director Thomas Morgan Jones and Ravi Jain, artistic director of Why Not Theatre, participants will train from August 10-22, 2015 finishing with a public performance on The Playhouse stage.

The first week of training will focus on approaches to physical theatre as well as the use of text in physical theatre.  In week two, the training will move toward devising and presenting a physical ensemble creation using Shakespeare’s Macbeth as source material.

Participants will gain experience creating and communicating with their bodies as tools to tell stories.  They will learn how to create quickly, efficiently, expertly, and freely with other artists.  They will be given the tools to then repeat and re-create with confidence.

This call is open to all actors, directors, and theatre artists in Canada.  Applicants are asked to submit a cover letter, resume, and headshot.  Applications will be accepted upon receipt of a $150 non-refundable deposit. Deadline for applications – July 10, 2015.  The full fee for the two week workshop is $400+HST. 

For more details or to register, please visit

Send your audition and submission information to 
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