Atlantic Repertory Company Prepare to Stage Second Production

Category: stage 146

Abyss, an award winning thriller cloaked in the mystery of Europe’s underworld, runs June 5-9 at the BMO Theatre. 

When Maria Milisavljevic’s play Abyss made it’s Canadian debut at Toronto’s Tarragon Theatre in 2015, The Globe and Mail’s theatre critic J. Kelly Nestruck wrote, “There hasn’t been as gripping a piece of theatre as Abyss on a Toronto stage in a long while. For over an hour, Milisavljevic – who translated her own play for this English-language premiere – had me in the palm of her hand.”

This month, Saint John theatre lovers will have a chance to experience the story for themselves as Atlantic Repertory Company concludes its debut season with a five performance run beginning June 5 at the BMO Theatre in Saint John. 

Abyss, which premiered at Berlin’s Duetsches Theatre under its German title Brandung, tells the captivating story of a missing young woman and her three friends who search for her. As the story slowly unravels, it becomes clear that all three friends have been harbouring secrets as they realize how brittle the life they had built is. A search for their lost friend also becomes a search for the self. 

The play will be directed by Canadian director Richard Rose and features a trio of young talent from the region. Cast members include: Caroline Bell (Saint John, NB), Mandy E. MacLean (Oromocto, NB) and Owen VanHouten (St John’s, NFLD).   

Abyss | June 5-9 | BMO Theatre | 7:30 p.m. | View Event 

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