Artist aims to bring back the magic of postcards

Category: arts 84

Cat Candow is this week’s Fredericton Arts Alliance artist in residence. 

Cat Candow wants to break out from the tradition of sending postcards only during trips and start creating cards to send from home. 

As global border closures due to the pandemic cut off her travel even after three years, Candow plans to do a series of postcards of Fredericton during her residency for the Fredericton Arts Alliance, Sept. 5–11.

“I would like to create images using all of the techniques I usually use, including embroidery, painting, photography, and lacemaking,” she said. “I’ll try to find out new ways to layer, combine, and finish them digitally.”

Candow has enjoyed creating, sending, and receiving postcards immensely since her first school trip in fifth grade. She is fascinated by the image of the place, and by the feelings and emotions that each photograph captures.

Candow, who studied a variety of fibre arts while growing up in Germany, came to Canada as an exchange student to study fashion design at NBCCD. She returned to Fredericton after completing her journey around the world to sew, create art, and occasionally lead workshops.

She has an adventurous spirit, and the restrictions made her feel isolated and sad. She has also missed some of the magic of travel as a result of the advancements in digital communication.

“What could be more exciting than opening your mailbox to discover a handwritten postcard instead of simply junk mail and bills?” she says. “It means that someone cares enough about you to stop what they are doing while on vacation to tell you a little about their adventure.”

Candow will work in different public places around town and attempt to create postcard-worthy images of this city she is happy to call home.

On Sept. 10, she will host an in-person workshop at the Fredericton Botanic Garden Resource Centre at 1 p.m. She wants to encourage participants to explore the colors and textures around them in nature while teaching them to embellish a printed photograph with embroidery and beads.

“I hope to get people interested in playing and creating with me, using embroidery on photographs.” 

The Fredericton Arts Alliance is grateful for the support of the City of Fredericton and Downtown Fredericton in making these residencies possible.


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