Ode to the Salisbury, NB Liquor Depot

Category: music 462

Moncton-expats High Street Boys will make their live debut at The Complex Complex as part of Flourish Festival on April 20th, 2018.

Jack Smith

As soon as we heard their hit single C’est Evolve dans ma backyard, we were fascinated about the East Coast’s only francophone power pop/pop punk band, where Spinal Tap meets 1755 and the Ramones meet rappie pie.

We sat down with band leader Médiocre Robichaud in a secret location in New Brunswick’s backwoods to discuss the High Street Boys’ past, future and present. Let’s boogie!

GC: Hello Médiocre.
Médicore: Allô.

GC: We’re in an empty parking lot and it smells like burnt tires. Why did you decide to do the interview here?
Médicore: We’ve been spinning our tires here for ten generations. Sometimes, even legends need to cool down before a big concert.

GC: What is the High Street Boys?
Médiocre: High Street Boys (without the the) is a power pop/pop punk band with a focus on hooks that was born while drinking Old Milwaukee in an inflatable pool in a Moncton backyard. That’s it.

GC: Why?
Médiocre: Sometimes in life, you end up having a junior-sized drum kit in your basement and you write and record four songs in a day, for the heck of it, you know. Next thing I know, we’re on top of the world.

GC: Tell me about the history of that infamous basement. You recorded the initial songs there, but I guess there’s a bunch of bands that also created there throughout the year.
Médiocre: Yeah, an impressive bunch of people have made music there throughout the years, especially The Squirts.

On my end, I just loved the vibes of that place because there was a cat that slept in the bass drum for a while.

GC: What are your songs about?
Médiocre: Everyday topics for today’s youth, like going to the Salisbury NB Liquor Depot, hosting your very own Evolve in your backyard, being a connoisseur of French classic rock, hating living in the city and wanting to go back to your camp in the middle of nowhere.

GC: You have a real focus on short, melodic, three chords punk songs. Why?
Médiocre: Because two chords is boring and four chords is exhausting.

GC: What are your influences?
Médiocre: Denis Lemieux in Slap Shot when he explains what is “icing” and “high sticking”, Corbeau (the band) and lynxes (the animal). Also, faire spinner ses tires.

GC: High Street Boys is already a cult band, but you haven’t played one show. How do you explain this?
Médiocre: I blame millennials.

GC: Are all the songs based on true stories?
Médiocre: Yes. I’m more of a documentary filmmaker than a songwriter anyways. For example, “Greco Rock” is about waking up a guest by accident at the house because I ordered Greco on New Year’s Day. There’s also a song about a filmmaker friend who was in the same room as David Lynch at a festival.

GC: What can you tell us about the people playing with you?
Médiocre: I have a good and steady lineup now, but I’d rather not talk about the previous members.

GC: Why not?
Médiocre: Well, sometimes, you fight with your bandmates over a Greco order and it doesn’t end well. Buddies tried to patch things up by bringing Circle K hot-dogs at the next jam, but the damage was done.

GC: What was the argument about?
Médiocre: Choosing between a half works, half garlic fingers party pizza or a 12” pizza + a 12” garlic finger.

GC: Aren’t those the same, since a party pizza is 24”?
Médiocre: Next question.

GC: What can Fredericton expect of your set during Flourish?
Médiocre: 12 songs. 12 minutes. Memories for a lifetime. We will change your life, but mostly, the show will change mine.

GC: What’s coming up for the High Street Boys after Flourish?
Médiocre: I’m writing a rock opera to discuss my experiences after I’ve moved to Fredericton. It’s mostly about going to Dixie Lee and Giant Tiger. Maybe Jean Coutu, because of the chips, you know.

GC: Is there anything else you wanted to add?
Médiocre: We’d like to thank Flourish Festival and Fredericton for their support. Go out to see some live music throughout that weekend. Bring your friends. Give’r. Buy us an Alpine. Hug a puppy.

High Street Boys + Scumlord + Victime + Loveover + Valery Vaughn | The Capital Complex | 9 p.m. | $15

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