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Category: music 343

We want to get more NB music lovers talking about NB music.

nbmusicletstalk-fullGrid City Magazine is issuing a call to New Brunswick music lovers interested in contributing thoughtful critiques of new New Brunswick music.

“Since we began reviewing/previewing new music on Grid City, it has become a challenge to find people interested in sharing thoughtful, honest, and constructive reviews,” said Grid City Magazine founder, Matt Carter.  “Nobody wants to offend their friends and I get that. However, that also results in a disservice to the artists.  Praise and encouragement are good, but there is equal value in respectful criticism.”

The online publication hopes to create a community of New Brunswick musicians and music lovers who are willing to take the time to listen to new music and contribute to a broader conversation about a particular release.  Interested parties will be assigned releases based on their music interests and background.

“My short term goal is to build a database of NB music lovers who are willing to share some thoughts on selected new releases,” said Carter.  “The long term goal is create a place for balanced and fair reviews that encourage the continued growth of New Brunswick music.”

Comments will be compiled into feature articles/profiles that will include thoughts and opinions from a range of reviewers in hopes of offering a balanced opinion to curious music fans everywhere.

“Ultimately, we want to provide New Brunswick music lovers and music makers with high quality, unbiased critiques of new music,” said Carter.  “I think everyone can benefit. That’s the bottom line anyway.”

More information on the initiative and how you can participate.


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