Help shape the future of Fredericton’s performing arts facilities.
The public is invited to a special public consultation on Wednesday, October 29, 2014 at 7:30 pm at the Fredericton Convention Centre to discuss the future development of performing arts facilities in the city.
“The purpose of this public consultation is to gather input from the community on the various development concepts the consultants have come up with,” said Tim Yerxa, executive director of The Fredericton Playhouse. “Understanding the community’s opinions on the options for a major development such as this is critical, not only for the study’s eventual findings, but for decision-makers as they move forward in addressing an infrastructure project of such importance to the city and the region.”
In January 2013, Fredericton City Council received a technical report on the condition of the Fredericton Playhouse and options for its long-term future. In the report, it was identified that although the Playhouse is being well maintained, it is deemed to be in fair to poor condition and is at the end of its useful life. An option to replace the facility was reported to be more financially and functionally feasible than extending the facility’s life with a major refurbishment.
Since June 2013, the City of Fredericton and Fredericton Playhouse Inc., the non-profit organization charged with managing and developing the facility, jointly embarked on a study to examine the long-term needs of the community with respect to performing arts facilities. The study examines the feasibility of replacing the Playhouse with a new performing arts centre that would better meet the needs of audiences and the arts community, also serving the broader goals of the community and region. Fredericton City Council has identified performing arts infrastructure as a priority for future investment.
“We had a great turn-out for the last public meeting which dealt with the needs of the community as they relate to performing arts infrastructure,” said Yerxa. “We hope to have as many or more people turn out to participate in this step in the process.”
Webb Management Services Inc, a firm specializing in cultural infrastructure projects of this nature and retained to conduct the study work, will present several development options that address needs and community goals and will lead a discussion to gather public input on each.
For more information, contact the Fredericton Playhouse at 458-8344 or