Listen to Empty Hands, the latest single from Jason Anderson.

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Full of nuance, both lyrically and musically, Empty Hands is another example of Anderson’s craft which continues to flourish with each new release.

Matt Carter

Time and place are common themes when writing songs of love. Every relationship has its precious moments and more often than not, the ones worth singing about involve so much more than the bond that rests at the centre of it all. Moments, no matter how affecting, are nothing in our memories without the peripheral content we package them in. The smells in the air. The clothes we were wearing. The places we were going. These all add to the impact of any meaningful memory in our heart’s timeline. 

Fredericton-based singer-songwriter Jason Anderson has a real knack for identifying these moments and putting them into words. Last month Anderson released Empty Hands, his latest in a long line of releases and one that masterfully captures the time and place aspect of loving moments.

“Empty Hands started as a poem about love and loss, about connection and disconnection and the importance and challenge of trying to appreciate the relationships we have while we have them,” said Anderson. “Once I finalized the words it was one of those songs that more or less came out in one sitting. In an effort to capture the raw sentiment of the tune I quickly recorded a live take of acoustic guitar and vocals and then my very talented friend Wade Morrison added all the beautiful bits to the mix. 

“I’m proud of how it turned out as it really feels like the sentiment of the song syncs so nicely with the atmosphere of the production and vice versa. Everything seems to ring true and I’m overjoyed to know that the vibe has been resonating with people.” 

Full of nuance, both lyrically and musically, Empty Hands is another example of Anderson’s craft which continues to flourish with each new release.

Empty Hands will be included on Anderson’s forthcoming EP, which he will be releasing July 22 with another intimate performance at The Tipsy Muse Café. Showtime, 7 p.m. Tickets on sale now.

Jason Anderson | INSTAGRAM | SPOTIFY

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