Meet the Latest artsnb Grant Recipients

Category: arts 290

$292,916.58 awarded in support of creation, documentation and career development projects. 

The New Brunswick Arts Board (artsnb) has released the results of its October 1, 2017 (Creation and Documentation) and November 1, 2017 (Career Development) competitions. Grants totaling $292,916.58 were awarded to the following artists to help with their creation projects, with the documentation of art production in New Brunswick, and in the development of their artistic careers.

Creation Grants – A Category

For senior artists who have achieved a superior level of accomplishment and who have made a nationally or internationally recognized contribution to their discipline or to the arts in general.

Édith Bourget, Saint-Jacques, Literary Arts, $15,000
André Cormier, Moncton, Classical Music, $12,700
Darren Emenau, Saint John, Craft, $15,000
Robert Gray, Fredericton, Media Arts, $15,000
Mathieu Léger, Moncton, Media Arts, $15,000
Colleen Wagner, Village of Gagetown, Theatre, $9,300
Total awarded: $82,000

Creation Grants – B Category

For mid-career artists who have been practicing professionally in their discipline for a sustained period of time and are able to demonstrate their recognized contribution to the arts regionally or nationally.

Julie Aubé, Memramcook, Non-Classical Music, $7,000
Mark Blagrave, St. Andrews, Literary Arts, $7,500
Julie Caissie, Moncton, Visual Arts, $10,000
Chris Colepaugh, Riverview, Non-Classical Music, $4,500
Amanda Fauteux, Sackville, Multidisciplinary Arts, $8,000
Raymonde Fortin, Notre-Dame, Visual Arts, $10,000
Craig Lang, Rothesay, Non-Classical Music, $7,000
Denis Lanteigne, Caraquet, Visual Arts, $7,150
Philip Lee, Fredericton, Literary Arts, $8,000
Donald Levandier, Moncton, Non-Classical Music, $5,000
Robert MacInnis, Riverview, Multidisciplinary Arts, $8,000
Richard MacQueen, Saint John, Media Arts, $7,944
Chris Paul, Sackville, Literary Arts, $7,000
Jared Peters, Fredericton, Visual Arts, $10,000
Sarah Petite, Fredericton, Visual Arts, $9,760
Britany Sparrow, New Maryland, Media Arts, $5,500
Total awarded: $122,354 

Creation Grants – C Category

For emerging artists who are striving to achieve a professional level in their discipline and who can demonstrate their commitment to the development of specialized skills or knowledge in their discipline as well as their commitment to the achievement of a professional level in their discipline through training, mentorship or peer recognition, and who are producing a growing repertoire or body of work.

Jacqueline Bourque, Fredericton, Visual Arts, $5,000
Gabrielle Brown, Saint John, Visual Arts, $2,750
Eric Butler, St-Antoine, Media Art, $5,000
Judith Chiasson, Saint-Simon, Craft, $5,000
Peter de Niverville, Riverview, Media Arts, $4,000
Stephanie Gough, Welshpool, Literary Arts, $5,000
Matthew Gwathmey, Fredericton, Literary Arts, $5,000
Francine Hébert, Cocagne, Media Arts, $5,000
Emily Kennedy, Passekeag, Classical Music, $4,125
Amna Khurshid, Fredericton, Visual Arts, $5,000
Rachel Anne MacGillivray, Scotch Settlement, Craft, $4,750
Jeffrey Mann, Sackville, Visual Arts, $5,000
Annie France Noël, Moncton, Visual Arts, $3,022
Joannie Thomas, Grande-Anse, Theatre, $5,000
Total awarded: $63,647

Documentation Grants

For professional New Brunswick artists and arts professionals for the research, development and execution of original documentation of arts activities, arts products or art history; preference is given to projects addressing New Brunswick art or artists.

Jennifer Bélanger, Moncton, Visual Arts, $7,000
Total awarded: $7,000

Career Development Grants

The Career Development program provides financial assistance to professional artists wishing to enhance their practice through travel, study and promotion. This flexible program has four separate components:

#1: Arts by Invitation provides assistance for travel and accommodation to present work by invitation in established arts events.

#2: Artist in Residence is designed to support participation in residency opportunities of three months or less.

#3: Professional Development provides assistance to pursue short- or long-term studies or mentorships.

#4: Professionalization and Promotion provides assistance for professional services to better promote an artist’s work and practice.

Artist in Residence
Julie Caissie, Moncton, Visual Arts, $4,690
Mathieu Léger, Moncton, Media Arts, $5,195

Arts By Invitation
Catherine Bartlett, Salisbury, Classical Music, $1,677
Sophie Lavoie, Fredericton, Literary Arts, $375
Richard MacQueen, Saint John, Media Arts, $1,768.58
Georgia Rondos, Rothesay, Dance, $410

Professional Development
Maegen Black, Fredericton, Craft, $1,000
Nawal Doucette, Saint John, Dance, $800
Todd Fraser, Sackville, Media Arts, $1,000
Anika Lirette, Grand-Barachois, Theatre, $1,000
Total awarded: $ 17,915.58

For information on these and other artsnb programs, visit or call 1-866-460-ARTS (2787) toll free within NB.

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